Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Incoming Computer Skills Students!

Hey everyone! So today is my last day of Computer Skills taught by the legendary Ms. Belisle. It was a great class and I learned a vast amount of information and skills about computers, photo editing and design, and making a website. I'm sure some of you taking this class are thinking..."psh, I know computers. This class will be a breeze." For some of you this may be true, but for most, I want to give a few pointers:
Listen to everything Ms. Belisle says, it's all important.
Do your homework carefully and on time. There is a lot of it.
Don't miss class. Each class has info you don't want to miss

It's not many pointers but it's really all you need. I hope everyone enjoys the class and gets as much out of it as I did.

...Hunter out...

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